
  • leco Robo
  • leco Mas
  • leco Lab
  • leco Kids
  • leco Efun
  • leco Sam
  • leco Pol
  • leco Qu
  • leco Fly
  • leco Mind
  • leco Elec
  • leco Kemicar
  • leco Bio
  • leco Domino

Leco cup is a company in the field of providing services and products for student research and covers ages from 3 to 18.

This company has 10 active agencies
Leco Gulf Company was established in the Sultanate of Oman in order to be able to provide special conditions for countries in the Middle East.

* Educational styles in Leco Bay
There is a Gulf with presenting patterns to children and young people on the basis of play and entertainment that enhance their learning without involving them in complex theoretical issues.

Our mental games are designed on the basis of the theory of multiple intelligences of Gardner, and according to this theory, in order to obtain all the capabilities and talents, the person does not have to touch the IQ test (which is equivalent to the logical mathematical intelligence).

Rather, there are other types of intelligence and talent, and they include musical and percussive intelligence, linguistic intelligence, logical mathematical intelligence, tautology intelligence, spatial or visual intelligence, physical and muscular intelligence, self-knowledge intelligence and knowledge of others.

In Leco Khaleej, we have stages that help students identify their talents, and these stages are attractive and designed in a way that learning is synchronized with play.

Children can touch and interact with the tools. Teachers in Lago Bay want to discover and enhance the intelligence, talent and skills of children.

Talents are different and we must discover them, and the best time to discover talents is at an early age.

In Leco Khaleej, all products are manufactured with high quality.

Also, a large festival is held annually in the Gulf Coast under the name of the Lake Cap in the countries of the Middle East.

On the basis of different talents and intelligences, Leco Bay has 12 different fields.
These include: lecorobo (robots), lecomas (mental arithmetic with abacus), lecolab (chemical tests), lecokids (innovation engineering), lecoefun (English language learning skill), lecosam (calculations transfer speed) and so on.

For more information, see the cover section.

And the outstanding students from all branches of Leco gather to compete with each other in an honest competition, and the winners qualify for international competitions.

Our idea is that when your children grow up, they can invent jobs and not look for jobs.